Level: Intermediate

Time to complete: 20 minutes

Prerequisites: Prepare the Colab environment (see links below).

Nodes Used: InMemoryDocumentStore, MultiModalRetriever

Goal: After completing this tutorial, you will have learned about the MultiModalRetriever, and built a simple retrieval pipeline that search relevant images given a search query.

Preparing the Colab Environment

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install farm-haystack[colab]
import logging
logging.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s - %(name)s -  %(message)s", level=logging.WARNING)

Initializing the DocumentStore

A DocumentStore stores the documents that the search pipeline uses to find relevant images for your query string. Here we are using the InMemoryDocumentStore since it requires no external dependencies. To learn more about the DocumentStore and the different types of external databases that we support, see DocumentStore.

from haystack.document_stores import InMemoryDocumentStore
document_store = InMemoryDocumentStore()

Downloading data

Download 18 sample images of different animals from . You can find them in data/tutorial1 as a set of .txt files

from haystack.utils import fetch_archive_from_http
doc_dir = "data/tutorial19"

Add the images you just downloaded into Haystack Document objects and write them into the DocumentStore.

import os
from haystack import Document
images = [
    Document(content=f"./{doc_dir}/spirit-animals/{filename}", content_type="image")
    for filename in os.listdir(f"./{doc_dir}/spirit-animals/")
docstore_mm = InMemoryDocumentStore(embedding_dim=512)

Initializing the Retriever

Retrievers sift through all the images and return only those that are relevant based on the input query. Here we are using the OpenAI CLIP model to embed images. For more details on supported modalities and retrievers, see MultiModalRetriever.

from haystack.nodes.retriever.multimodal import MultiModalRetriever
retriever_t_to_i = MultiModalRetriever(
    query_embedding_model = "sentence-transformers/clip-ViT-B-32",
    document_embedding_models = {"image": "sentence-transformers/clip-ViT-B-32"} #, "text": "sentence-transformers/clip-ViT-B-32"},

Creating the MultiModal search Pipeline

We use a generic Pipeline that uses MultiModalRetriever as node and creates a search pipeline. This search pipeline allows us to query the image database with text queries and returns most relevant images.

from haystack import Pipeline
pipeline = Pipeline()
pipeline.add_node(component=retriever_t_to_i, name="retriever_t_to_i", 

Searching through the images

Use the pipeline run() method to query the images document store. The query argument is where you type your text query. Additionally, you can set the number of images you want the MultiModalRetriever to return using the top-k parameter. To learn more about setting arguments, see Arguments.

results_mm = pipeline.run(query="Animal who lives in the water",
                          params={"retriever_t_to_i": {"top_k": 3}})
results_mm = sorted(results_mm["documents"], key=lambda d: d.score, reverse=True)
for doc in results_mm:
    print(doc.score, doc.content)

Here are some more query strings you could try out:

  1. King of the Jungle
  2. Fastest animal
  3. Bird who can see clearly even in the dark

You can also vizualize these images with their score easily with below code

from io import BytesIO
import PIL
from PIL import ImageDraw
from IPython.display import display, Image
def display_img_array(ima, score):
    im = PIL.Image.open(ima)
    img_with_border = PIL.ImageOps.expand(im ,border=20, fill='white')
    # Add Text to an image
    img = ImageDraw.Draw(img_with_border)
    img.text((20, 0), f"Score: {score},    Path: {ima}", fill=(0, 0, 0))
    bio = BytesIO()
    img_with_border.save(bio, format='png')
    display(Image(bio.getvalue(), format='png'))
images_array = [doc.content for doc in results_mm]
scores = [doc.score for doc in results_mm]
for ima, score in zip(images_array, scores):
    display_img_array(ima, score)

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